About us

The law firm Zaripov & Partners provides legal services in accordance with the Advocacy Act No. 85/1996 of the Czech Republic. Our law firm is a member of the Association of In-House Lawyers of the Czech Republic and is a leader in the provision of legal services. Experts at our law firm specialize in providing legal expertise, in areas such as migration, finance and investment, arbitration, civil, administrative, international private, criminal, tax, commercial, and procedural law.

2 offices
in Prague and Carlsbad

Our law firm focuses on quality and speed of execution of tasks. Our office is located on the central square in Prague (Wenceslas Square). The front office is where Zaripov & Partners lawyers meet with clients. Once the terms of appointment are agreed, the documents are immediately processed and legally scrutinized. This allows us to provide legal services effectively, to the highest standard and in the shortest time possible. Alternately, you can arrange a meeting to consult with one of our attorneys in Karlovy Vary on Mondays, but only after making an appointment by phone or e-mailing us in advance.

50 000 000 CZK
or 2 000 000 EUR

Zaripov & Partners is insured by Generali for the above amount under the registration number 2963882119 for any cases of violation of agreements with clients caused by the the law firm. We are proud to note that none of our clients have used the aforementioned insurance for the compensation of damage. We are confident that our law firm is a reliable partner.


Full confidentiality
is guaranteed

Zaripov & Partners guarantees a professional and individual approach to legal matters. Any information about clients and specific cases dealt with by our law firm is are legally protected by the Advocacy Act and subject to attorney's professional confidentiality. In view of the foregoing, Zaripov & Partners and all its employees are obliged to maintain confidentiality to not disclose any information related to the provision of legal assistance to clients.

About us

10+ years
of successful legal practice

case win rate

of returning clients

5 Google rating
based on 18 reviews

Our awards

TOP Ekonom 2022

Major law firms in the Czech Republic 2022

Major law firms in the Czech Republic 2021

TOP Ekonom 2021

TOP Ekonom 2020

Media about us

Уголовное право: блокировка финансовых средств на банковских счетах на территории Чешской Республики и иных стран ЕС.

Source: https://420on.cz/news/economics/61692-ugolovnoe-pravo-blokirovka-finansovyh-sredstv-na-bankovskih-schetah-na-territorii-cheshskoy-respubliki-i-inyh-stran-es

Адвокат Сергей Зарипов отвечает на вопросы.

Source: http://gazeta.cz/article/9116-advokat-sergey-zaripov-otvechaet-na-voprosy

Русскоговорящая адвокатская контора Zaripov & Partners вошла в ТОП адвокатов.

Source: http://gazeta.cz/article/17099-russkogovoryaschaya-advokatskaya-kontora-zaripov--partners-voshla-v-top-advokatov

В связи с большим количеством дел, связанных с визовыми вопросами, уместно обратить внимание на некоторые аспекты местного законодательства, касающиеся получения учебных виз.

Source: http://gazeta.cz/article/15147-studencheskie-vizy

První setkání výboru a příznivců Vlasteneckého institutu.

Source: https://www.protext.cz/zprava.php?id=24120

11 июня в карловарский отель «Чайковский» (Čajkovskij Palace) прибыли важные гости: ветеран Великой Отечественной войны Анатолий Алексеевич Андреев со своей спутницей Марией Ивановной.

Source: https://www.prague-express.cz/personal-experience/67799-vstrechali-kak-ministrov-2

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